Ron Taylor used to be the vocalist of melodic rockers LILLIAN AXE for quite some years until the members unfortunately decided to lay the band on ice for a while. Well, in the meantime Ron hooked up with his old mate Drew Smith and formed a new project called THE BRIDGE. Read the following interview with Ron about his current activities. 

First of all, it's great to have you back with a new band and a new CD, so please tell our readers what you have done within the last years, since LILLIAN AXE split up? 
"Well, Drew and I had started writing and recording together back in October '94, while LILLIAN was still together. After the last LILLIAN shows, I decided to step away from the actual business of music and focus on what made me love music in the first place, the satisfaction of writing, creating and performing music that made me happy." 
Why did LILLIAN AXE split up? 
"LILLIAN never officially broke up, we decided to go our separate ways for a while to try new things and just haven't had the urge to play together again. Steve and I are really enjoying our new projects but haven't closed the door on ever doing LILLIAN again, we'll see." 
Do you know what the ex-bandmembers do? 
"Steve has a band called NEAR LIFE EXPERIENCE. Jon has a new baby girl, Jordan Anna Ster, and is not interested in the music biz anymore. Darrin has a two year old boy and another one on the way. I've been talking to Darrin about forming a new project. Tommy is living in Los Angeles and playing with a couple of different bands. We are all still friends, it was just time to put LILLIAN to rest." 
THE BRIDGE musically takes a different direction than LILLIAN AXE, into a more acoustic rock style,
why this change? 
"Drew and I had played together in the early 80's and always loved some of the more mellow pop bands, so that's the direction we went with THE BRIDGE. I had been playing hard rock for 20 years, so I was ready for a change. I still love hard rock and my next band will probably be more in that vein, but I wanted to try something different." 
Do THE BRIDGE only consist of you and Drew Smith? Who wrote the songs on the CD? 
"We both write the songs. Most of the time, he gives me a music idea and I run with the melody line and lyrics but we both contribute to all phases of the writing process." 
I only heard three songs till today, and I love them, especially "Remember What She Said" and "Standing"... Are the other songs in the same vein? 
"Yes, most of the songs are like the ones you've heard. When we put out that three song tape, we wanted to give people an idea of what we were about, so yes they are in the same vein." 
Will you also tour in Europe? 
"We would love to tour Europe!!!! Right now, we have to concentrate on getting a recording contract, so we will be able to come to Europe and the rest of the world as well. I had such a great time when LILLIAN toured Europe, I can't wait to come back!!" 
Which of your own albums do you personally like the most and why? And what are your fave albums of other bands / artists? 
"I like "Love and War" the best of all the LILLIAN records, it's just got something about it that sets it apart from the rest. Lets see, right now I love "Doyle Bramhall II", this is the best record I've heard in a long time. Those FOO FIGHTERS records are great too! I love SARAH MCLACHLAN, TONIC, DEL AMITRI and JAMES TAYLOR too." 
Did you ever have vocal lessons, because your voice is one of the greatest I know? 
"No, I've never taken a voice lesson. My mom always sang to me as a child and we would sing songs together, so I owe it all to her. I was singing in a county gospel band in church at age 4 and just kept on singing." 
It's sad that melodic rock is in the underground, so for bands like THE BRIDGE it's difficult to get a record deal. So, what do you think about the music-scene at the moment? 
"I try not to think about the music scene right now. I'm just doing what makes me happy and not worrying about what I cannot control. If someone likes what THE BRIDGE is doing, great, if not, that's fine too. There is some really great music out there though, unlike the beginning of this whole 90's thing." 
Please tell us your near future plans with THE BRIDGE? 
"Well, we're writing again and sending the "Demo" out to some people to see if we can get a bite from someone. If we never get a deal, that's ok because we have been blessed with the ability to create and perform music and that's enough to keep me happy for the rest of my life." 
To contact Ron Taylor in the net, the following address: e-mail:  

Martin Zalien
